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Our Story

Redwood Playhouse:

This building was originally constructed as a public school by the Federal Public Works Administration in 1939. In the 1970's it became an important  hub of a thriving Southern Humboldt Theatre and Dance renaissance- Driven by the new-settlers of the “back-to-the-land” movement.

After several incarnations as school,  meeting place & administrative offices & teen center, the building- by then in decline, was purchased and partially rehabilitated by the College of the Redwoods in 2009.

The college administration was very supportive of our community vision of refurbishing the former gym, remembered fondly by long time residents as "The Theatre" to serve local performing artists, & community gatherings. Organizers meeting for a year, became The Redwood Community Theatre Board of Directors and entered into a lease agreement with the college that led to reopening the theatre Know known as The Redwood Playhouse, as a community non-profit in January 2013.


© 2017 Redwood Playhouse 286 Sprowel Creek Road, Garberville, CA 95542

A Non-Profit Community Resource

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